Connection Point

A natural response to fear is to go down a slippery slope to despair—– but actually this is not true for the Christian. It is not because we are some kind of abnormally strong people, but because we depend on the living God to overcome whatever obstacle we face. Our certainty comes from a connection to the Lord that harvests faith over anything else. Prayer is the connection point.

Romans 12:12 charges believers to be faithful in prayer. And coincidentally (in reality not so coincidentally) the same verse commands to be patient in affliction. While it is definitely hard to be patient during trying times, prayer should be the outlet for our souls. We have the direct contact to God who knows exactly the situations we face and knows exactly what we need. To faithfully pray means that you are truly convinced that God is listening and attentive to your life. There is no room for wavering as there is no room for an unbeliever in the kingdom of heaven, so push through without doubt!

C.S. Lewis wrote “Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.” Perseverance in prayer requires a fresh perspective each passing day. Every day we have thoughts, requests and desires in our minds and hearts we ought to lay before God through prayer. Let us forget the obvious part that we cannot hear God’s thundering voice come through in our bedrooms while we pray, but instead be led by faith to the reality that he speaks to us through his Word and through the Spirit that lives in us (Romans 8:26).

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior you will take this as a challenge and faithfully pray through this tumultuous season in history. Refuse to go stagnant and elevate your prayers to the Lord who hears and loves his people.