
Fear. It sums up to the pressure of uncertainty resulting in worry with a side of stress. Whether you are overwhelmed by it or it just creeps into your life a little at a time, we all experience fear. About a month ago we were thinking about how we were going to get through all the activities on our planner with enough strength to make it to all of them and then suddenly life felt like it stopped and all of these activities were cancelled- from one day to the next. Life can take a turn for the worst at any moment without notice and a pandemic is no exception. Millions of people are faced with loss of income, stress, illness, and the daunting thought of dying or losing a loved one. At this stage you are probably thinking this post took on an unexpected pessimistic turn, but the truth is that all of this is true and we are left with a gut feeling of fear about the future.

The wonderful thing about life is that “all truth is God’s truth” and although it is true that we are surrounded by loss, we have no need of fear because Christ has overcome this and more when he died on the cross for our sins. He overcame the world and that means everything in it (John 16:33). Fear is not of God and it robs every ability to believe in God’s faithfulness in our lives. Psalm 23:4 gives a shout out to the darkest valley you can go through- but without fear because God will be there to comfort you! Who better to be there with you than the God who created you and the entire universe…

Jesus states- “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). Brothers, release the fear and hold on tight to this peace because in it lies your key to the abundant life Jesus has meant for you. No pandemic can stop the will of God to save his people and no illness, stress, loss of income or even death can stop the will of God for good in your life!

If you have declared that Jesus is your Lord and savior, then you partake in the peace of Jesus with the millions of believers that are casting out fear and instead growing their faith during this time. Take heart! And live this day triumphantly because you have already beat fear.