God Hears Our Prayers

God answers us when we pray, as human beings we have to be reconciled with him because God will not always answer our prayers in the way we expect. In the verses of the Bible it is written: “The prayer of life will save the sick.” The disease can lead to all kinds of temptations: impatience, uneasiness, anxiety, complaints, etc. then God can do a work in us. The trials we experience can strengthen our relationship with God. And in this way we are saved! Saved from the sin that is in all humanity and that is the greatest disease of all.

We have a God who listens to our prayers, and who is not indifferent to us. Continue in faith! Believe in the God of miracles!

You have been obedient to what is written in the letter of James, and the prayers of faith are before the face of God. He takes these prayers into consideration. They move the heart of God. He loves us and wants the best for us. He listens, and pays attention, and at the right time works. We have a God who listens to our prayers, and who is not indifferent to us.

Sometimes healing can be instantaneous. From the doors of death to full health, in the blink of an eye. At other times one does not even realize that the arrow has started to turn from illness to health. Sometimes a “miracle” is performed by the doctor’s hands. But never doubt that God has heard your prayers. “The effective prayer of the righteous can do much.” Continue in faith! Believe in the God of miracles!

I’ll We can read the story of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20. He was sick, and soon to die. The prophet Isaiah went with him and said to him, “The Lord says: “Put your house in order, for you will die; you will not recover.” But Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, and God sent Isaiah back to Hezekiah with the message: “I have heard your prayer, and seen your tears; Behold, I will heal you… And I will add fifteen years to your life.” God’s plan was for Hezekiah to die, but his prayers moved the heart of God.

Brother Walter Bustamante