How To Please God

The Bible says in John 15: 8 “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” God does not expect you to be talented or gifted He just wants you to use what he has given you.

In the Bible, the word “joy” and the word “gift” come from the Greek word itself. It is the word for “grace.” When you use your spiritual gifts, you bring joy to God, and it brings joy to you as well. God says, “You are doing the things for which you were created.” And you say, “This feels good!” Feeling the greatest joy in the world comes from using your gifts for God’s purpose because it works, and you know it, and enjoy it.

There is no feeling in the world better than doing something for the glory of God, knowing that you are doing His will. It is the greatest emotion in the world! If you have never felt that, discover and develop the spiritual gifts that are in you so that you can enjoy your life and bring glory to God.

Often we worry or rather focus more on what version of the Bible than I should read, that in scrutinizing it to enter into the joy of God, we use our human philosophy to pretend that we understand and know our Lord better. In John 16:13 the Word of God tells us that “when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the Truth” – we can only know Jesus Christ through His Word where He has been revealed to us through Holy Spirit who takes the things of Christ and reveals them to us.

In John 16:14 it says the word “God will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.” Christian life focuses on getting to know Christ in an ever deeper way, he firmly believed The goal of knowing and learning the sound doctrine is to know the Glorious Savior so that you can understand the purpose of your life in the and its purposes, because a life without Purpose, without Prayer can not be a life in Christ.

Jesus Christ our Lord teaches us that he lived in complete dependence on the Father to show us how we too should live. The Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ took the form of a servant and became obedient to death on the cross, you are ready to live a life of obedience to God.

Thank you for following us through these little messages that I hope will serve you to live a more serene life to the purposes of God, knowing that you were equipped with gifts and talents. Glory to Honor and Honor be to Him alone.

Walter Bustamante