Remember Not The Former Things

Hardship and suffering are stranger to no one after the year 2020. Life has never felt more fleeting than during the moments where a loved one is lost. Suffering is also not a stranger to Scripture. The people of Israel certainly knew about suffering, but what was constant was that God never abandoned them.

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing;  now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:18-19

This passage contains words from God to the Israelites as they were ending their exile in Babylon. Although they sinned, God was showing them that there is a special place for hope in the restorative work he had in store. The Israelites knew all about the wilderness and the desert, lots of tough history to recount for them there. At the same time, they also knew what salvation from the Lord looked like. God was coming again to save his people from oppression by their enemies that they had deserved for their unfaithfulness. Still God says remember not the former things… He saves Israel and you and I benefit from this historic moment.

God’s relationship to Israel is often a mirror of his relationship with us. We become oppressed by sin or hardship and we search for relief every chance we get. God’s view of suffering is different than ours. He is always “doing a new thing”- a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. As believers our normal should be to perceive the new things God is doing. The revival that can spring forth at any moment is up to the Lord and as a result our faith is intensified through every experience.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior, rest. Allow Scripture to refresh your spirit and dwell on the Lord’s faithfulness. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He will never abandon us.

-Eva Topete (Youth Leader)

Source of Truth & Joy

“As the Father has loved me, so have I Ioved you. Abide in my love” says Jesus (John 15:9).

Why would anyone want to abide in Jesus’ love?

Right now, it seems like what we need to do is stay home, be fed information through our media outlets and make sure to wear our masks if we must go out. Although we certainly should take care of our bodies as best as we can, none of the measures above will care for our minds, hearts and souls that also very much require it. 

Believers abide in Jesus’ love because only through this attachment, do we get access to his peace and an understanding of God’s view of life, which is what our souls long for. The view where we are renewed daily by the grace that has been given through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The challenges we face every passing day are our biggest clue that life is more than our careers, friends, or even families. Jesus gives love that is unlike any other because it comes from the creator of the universe (John 15:9). It is boundless and encompasses every possible happy moment or tragedy this world can throw at us. Humans, alike other creatures, need love to thrive. Some of us have experienced love through our families and some of us have not. God offers us a greater love that will never let us down. This is new to us; we don’t understand it. The good thing is we don’t have to. We can know God without knowing every secret of the world (Isa. 55:8, Job 38). 

If you have accepted Jesus in your heart as your Lord and savior, I encourage you to abide in Jesus’ love fervently. From one brother in Christ to another- let us lean on Jesus as our source for truth and joy no matter the times, while understanding that this requires our commitment and is not a magical formula to help suppress our struggles and fears (John 15:1-8). Let us press on because we are saved and loved with a love greater than we can imagine.

-Eva Topete (Youth Ministry Leader)